Witches 用英文記英文(同音法) There are four witches in the Wizard of Oz. Who did what?
Four mnemonics (a mnemonic is a memory trick) to help you remember remember.
Four mnemonics (a mnemonic is a memory trick) to help you remember remember.
North = No / Nobody can hurt Dorothy (Because the Witch
of the North kissed her)
South = Save
/ The Witch of the South said: “Your shoes can save
you” (bring you back to Kansas)
More mnemonics appear below:
East = Eat / Dorothy’s house “ate” the witch of the East (= killed her)
West = wet / water killed the witch of the West
Do you have your own mnemonics? Please share them in the comments.
Do you have your own mnemonics? Please share them in the comments.