
Saturday, April 11, 2015

We're Not in Kansas Anymore (Wizard of Oz) 美語典故

This is an American idiom. "We're not in Kansas anymore" means "We're in a strange situation. We are not sure what to do." "We're not in Kansas anymore" 是一句美國成語,意思是說情況完全變了,一時不知道該怎麼辦 

Kansas is in the Corn Belt, a very large flat place where American farmers grow lots and lots of corn.

Corn Belt: Public domain image
640px-Corn_fields_near_Royal,_Illinois CC-BY-SA

More details below:

A cyclone (most Americans now say tornado) brings Dorothy to the Land of Oz, a place where there are many trees and beautiful flowers (not like Kansas, which is very flat and boring).

When Dorothy opens the door, she says "We're not in Kansas anymore." = This is a very strange place. I'm not sure what we should do.

"We're not in Kansas anymore" is used in book titles (how to make money), blog titles (investment), news headlines, and song titles: