
Friday, October 14, 2016

Ten Commandments, 5: Honor Your Mother and Father 第五誡:孝敬父母

Chinese philosophers introduced the idea of filial piety (孝道), so the Fifth Commandment makes a lot of sense for East Asian people. But what does it mean for Western people?
『孝敬』與『愛』區別何在?Dennis Prager 認為孝敬父母是對抗極權最好的方法。

1.  Explain in your own words what the Fifth Commandment means.

2.  Do children need to honor their parents?  Why or why not?

3.   How is honoring parents the best antidote to totalitarianism? 

4.  Why does the Bible command us to honor our parents and not love them? 

5.  Give two examples of ways parents can be honored. 

You can find more details here (including a transcript and a short quiz):