
Monday, January 1, 2018

資深的熱心英文老師!Experienced, Enthusiastic EFL/FFL Teacher Ready to Help

I have been teaching in Taiwan for over 40 years, so I am intimately familiar with the language problems that Taiwanese learners have, including: 有沒有什麼問題我可以幫忙? 我在台灣教書已經超過40年了,因此對台灣學生常遇到的語言問題非常熟悉,其中包括:

(1) Not Enough Vocabulary: I can help you build your vocabulary in several different ways without resorting to rote memorization字彙不夠(詞不達意):我會用好幾種方法來擴充你的字彙量,不用死背。另外也可以教你一些應變措施,讓你口若懸河,即使當場缺乏字彙或忘了字,還是一樣可以開口讓外國人完全聽懂你的意思。

(2) Poor Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension: Do you speak too slowly? Do foreigners have trouble understanding you? Do you have trouble understanding them? I can teach you several techniques to overcome these problems. 發音很差,聽力也不好: 你是否講話太慢? 外國人聽不懂你講的話嗎? 還是你聽不懂他們呢?我可以教你幾個簡單易行的技巧來克服這些問題。

(3) Not Enough Confidence: I can train you to be confident when speaking to individuals or making presentations 缺乏自信:不管是一對一還是做簡報的時候,我幫你培養信心。


I am a highly-skilled language teacher involved in teaching and learning various languages for over half a century. 我是訓練有素的語言教師,從事語言教學、語言學習已經有半個多世紀

Experience: 經驗
I have taught at several schools, including: 我在幾個學校任教過,其中包括:
(1) The Language Training and Testing Center, NTU Campus, 1976~2003 (25 years) 台大校園的語音訓練測驗中心 (負責全民英檢和托福的單位)
(2) China University of Technology, 2003~2015 (11 years) 中國科技大學

Training 訓練:
(1) I am fully fluent in three languagesEnglish and French [native fluency in both], as well as Chinese) and competent in two others (Spanish and Russian) 三種語言完全流利: 英語和法語 (雙母語),國語 (高水準) 西班牙語和俄語 (一般聽說讀寫可以應付)
(2) Two MAs: 雙碩士:
  (A) Chinese linguistics (Taiwan University, 1972~1974), 漢語語言學
  (B) Media-Assisted Language Teaching (Brighton University, 1989~1990), 媒體輔助語言教學

How to Contact Me 聯絡方式:
Email is the best way to contact me for the first time: cute DOT homework AT gmail DOT com
DOT = "."
AT = "@"