
Friday, November 4, 2016

Ten Commandments, 2: No Other Gods 第二誡:不 可有別的神

The Second Commandment does not seem relevant or useful in today's world. However, Dennis Prager explains that this opinion is mistaken: 第二誡表面上與現代生活毫無關係。這個想法其實是錯誤的。比如說「萬般皆下品,唯有讀書高」和第二誡有關係。請看影片介紹:

Dennis Prager speaks very clearly, but you might need help with unfamiliar words. When you watch, be sure to click on the captions box to see all the words he says. Five questions to think about (provided by Prager University) appear below.

1.  Explain in your own words what the Second Commandment means.

2.  What is the problem with thinking the Second Commandment only refers to ancient
pagan gods?

3.  What makes the Second Commandment the mother of all the other commandments?

4.  How can the worship of education have a negative impact on the world?

5.  If a stranger and a pet you love are drowning and you save the pet, what does that
mean?  What does it mean if you save the stranger?

You can find more details here (including a transcript and a short quiz):