
Sunday, June 23, 2013

Tom Sawyer, Chapter 3D (EFL version, with notes)--The Funeral

Muff Potter is on trial for killing the doctor, but he didn't do it! Only the boys know the truth. Will they help him?



Tom Sawyer, Chapter 3C (EFL version, with notes)--The Funeral

Tom and his Friends come back to watch their own funeral. It's fun to hear people say so many nice things about them!



Tom Sawyer, Chapter 3B (EFL version, with notes)--On the Island

Tom and his friends are busy being pirates



Tom Sawyer, Chapter 3A (EFL version, with notes)--Medicine to Pirates

湯姆歷險記對外英語版 (詞彙、語法經過簡化)
Here is chapter 3 of Tom Sawyer. I have retyped the text and changed the vocabulary/grammar to make it easy to understand. Have fun!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Tom Sawyer, 1938 Movie Version

The Adventures Of Tom Sawyer, 1938 Movie Version

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1938) - 1/9 - {HQ}